Vores regenerative løfte til havet
Flensburger Meeresgarten
The Flensburger Fjord is in a bad state. Years of bottom trawling on both the Danish and German sides have left an underwater desert. Nutrient run-off from the surrounding intensive agriculture compounds the problem with eutrophication. The Flensburger Meeresgarten is a citizen initiative to showcase how we – regular people – can regenerate the fjord with biological methods, i.e. the cultivation of seaweeds, mussels and salt-tolerant plants.
Om os
The Flensburger Meeresgarten is a citizen-led initiative in the middle of the city of Flensburg. By using an unused floating platform in the harbour, we're cultivating seaweed and mussels for demonstration and education purposes, and as an event space to raise awareness for the condition of the fjord.
Flensburger Meeresgarten, Germany
Contact person: Frederick Bruce