— Elupaiku taastava merevesiviljeluse manifest
Liiga kaua on kestnud ulatuslik inimsurve, nagu toitainete keskkonda laskmine, elupaikade hävitamine, ookeanide hapestumine ja looduslike kalavarude ülepüük. Tulevik nõuab meretoidu tootmist, mis käib käsikäes kahjustatud mereökosüsteemide aktiivse taastamisega ning lähtub sellest, et inimene on osa loodusest lahutamatus ja keerulises suhete võrgustikus. Me oleme kaugelt ületanud punkti, kus piisab võimalikult väheste kahjude tekitamisest. Mere toidutootmise loogika tuleb ümber pöörata.
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Elupaiku taastava merevesiviljeluse juhend
Lesson 1: Crash course to regenerative ocean farming
In this lesson, you will learn the basics of regenerative ocean farming. Where does it come from and why is it a good idea? And just as importantly: How and why it's an idea worth turning into a career path.
Lesson 2: Finding the right spot
This lesson will inspire you to find the best location for your future ocean farm. You need a place where your crops will thrive, but you also want easy access to your plot and the support of the people who live in your area and use the ocean.
Lesson 3: Setting up an ocean farm
The great thing about ocean farming is that farm designs are modular, scalable, and can be easily adapted to suit your site. Although most ocean farms have the same basic elements in common, every farm will look a little bit different, because every site and farmer are also unique.